Cosmic Healing I Online Workshop – April 29 to May 2

Cosmic Healing I Online Workshop – April 29 to May 2

Event Overview April 29 to May 2      Cosmic Healing I . This is a power healing technique for self healing and helping others using the Chi from earth, nature and the universe. The foundation of the Universal Healing Tao system is the Microcosmic Orbit. Through this...

What is Taoist Foundation and Healing Love

  What you will learn Learning Resources Here is more information on the foundational Taoist practices that we will learn and practice together. Inner Smile – The Inner Smile is a powerful practice for new students and experienced practitioners alike. By...
Online Fusion of the five Elements I, II & III

Online Fusion of the five Elements I, II & III

Event Overview Dates: 7, 14, 21, 28 January 2022 (every Friday) Location: ZOOM Platform Languages Spoken: English Daily schedule (German Time): 9:00am-10:30am (German Time) What you will learn Learning Resources What You Will Learn In the Fusion courses (I, II &...
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