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ONLINE Cosmic Qigong, Buddha Palm – March 8
Cosmic Qigong or Buddha Palm is a powerful tool to activate internal energy with the energy of the cosmos. It is a very good preparation technique for a Practitioner of Cosmic Healing. However everybody who wants to feel connected to the Earth and Universal forces is welcomed to this set of practices.
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ONLINE 3 Fires/6 Direction Qigong – March 9
The 3 fires are connected to the lower Tantien, kidneys and heart and we use our chi hands as tool to connect with earth, nature and universal chi to draw these forces into the lower Tantien, kidneys and heart. Universal energy is unlimited and when balancing internal energy through practices like Six Healing Sounds and Inner Smile we learn to draw universal energy into our limited energy to feel the 3 fires - tantien fire, kidney fire and heart fire. This practice leads to opening the microcosmic orbit.