Cosmic Healing I Workshop – July 9 – 12 [France/Toulouse]

Cosmic Healing is a practice of channeling pure Cosmic Chi for healing. It comprises the art of healing oneself and others through channeling colors from the universe through different parts of the body. Each color has a different effect on the body like loosening toxins up, flushing it out, cleaning, enhancing and energizing.

Chi Nei Tsang III, Toksen Healing Harmony Vibrational Meridian Massage – Hungary/Budapest [November 11-13]

Tok Sen Healing Harmony Massage, or Chi Nei Tsang III, is the technique to clear blocked energy. In this workshop, you will learn about Tok Sen and how this gentle treatment with traditional wooden tools can improve body health and tackle problems which other body work cannot. Originally, this type of massage was called Sen Sip in the Thai system of massage, which was used for numerous functions, including healing and maintenance of a healthy body. The unique and special feature of this treatment is the emphasis on the ten major energy channels. These “wind” channels are related to those found in Chinese medicine. There is also a relationship to traditional acupressure.

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