Chi Nei Tsang I organ detox massage – March 1 – 4 [Barcelona, Castelldefels]
March 1 - March 4
Event Overview
Dates: 1 – 4 March 2025
Location: Castelldefels, Spain
Languages Spoken: Spanish and English
Level of the course: Beginner-friendly
Registration: For registration please contact Jutta by email or WhatsApp by number +34677639528 or make a reservation payment (150€) here below.
Tuition Fee: 420€ until February 10th – early bird discount. 450 Euro after 10 Feb. Reservation payment is 150 euros. Final payment is realised on the day the training begins in cash.
What You Will Learn (La traducción al español abajo)
In the Chi Nei Tsang I workshop, we learn the massage methods to release knots and tangles from the intestine. Chi, life-force energy, moves through the body’s internal channels, nervous system, blood vessels and lymphatic glands. These systems concentrate and cross paths in the abdomen which acts as their control center.
Tensions, worries, and stresses of the day, month or year accumulate there and are seldom dispersed. These disturbances can cause physical tangling and knotting of the nerves, blood vessels and lymph nodes. The result is the gradual obstruction of energy circulation, and therefore, all the vital energy functions strain, slowly weaken the internal organs and decrease energy. As a result, disease and many unwanted symptoms can begin to develop throughout the mind and body.
Chi Nei Tsang is a Chinese term for the internal organ Chi massage that helps clear out toxins, bad emotions and excessive heat or heat deficiencies that cause the organs to dysfunction.
The massage techniques we learn at this workshop promote healing by massaging directly over the navel and surrounding abdominal area where stress, tension and negative emotions accumulate and congest.
People often ask if this course is just for massage therapists or other alternative healers. I encourage all Tao students who are interested in advancing to another level of spiritual and practical development to join me for Chi Nei Tsang courses as well as those who would like to become practitioners to enhance their massage or medicinal trade. The courses give you the opportunity to learn more about your own body and how to heal yourself as well as how to help others whether it be family, friends or clients.
In addition to improving overall health and vitality, Chi Nei Tsang I Massage can help with:
Digestive problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome, bloating and constipation
Detox through elimination of toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and promoting lymphatic drainage
Releasing various pain and tension including neck and related headache pain and lower back pain or issues with the sciatic nerve
Alleviating asthma symptoms
Improving circulation and cardiovascular health
Women’s health conditions including endometriosis and menstrual problems
Men’s health conditions including infertility and impotence
Benefits students experience during the workshop:
Learn effective massage techniques and an Eastern medicine perspective of healing of oneself and assisting others in their healing.
Detox – Because we practice the massage techniques on each other throughout the workshop, you will receive the benefits of Chi Nei Tsang massage with physical and emotional detox.
As a result, you may experience: increased energy and positivity, relaxation and stress relief, a stronger connection to spirituality and possibly a release of negative emotions or experiences.
Participants often report that they feel a great relief of heaviness or emotional burden and many also experience relief of pre-existing physical discomfort or pain.
Lo que aprenderás
En el taller de Chi Nei Tsang I, aprendemos los métodos de masaje para liberar nudos y enredos del intestino. El Chi, la energía vital, fluye a través de los canales internos del cuerpo, el sistema nervioso, los vasos sanguíneos y las glándulas linfáticas. Estos sistemas se concentran y se cruzan en el abdomen, que actúa como su centro de control.
Las tensiones, preocupaciones y estrés del día, el mes o el año se acumulan allí y rara vez se dispersan. Estos disturbios pueden causar enredos y nudos físicos en los nervios, los vasos sanguíneos y los ganglios linfáticos. El resultado es la obstrucción gradual de la circulación de energía y, por lo tanto, todas las funciones vitales de la energía se tensan, debilitando lentamente los órganos internos y disminuyendo la energía. Como resultado, la enfermedad y muchos síntomas no deseados pueden comenzar a desarrollarse en la mente y el cuerpo.
Chi Nei Tsang es un término chino para el masaje del Chi de los órganos internos que ayuda a eliminar toxinas, emociones negativas y calor excesivo o deficiencias de calor que causan el mal funcionamiento de los órganos.
Las técnicas de masaje que aprendemos en este taller promueven la curación al masajear directamente sobre el ombligo y la zona abdominal circundante, donde se acumulan y congestionan el estrés, la tensión y las emociones negativas.
A menudo, las personas preguntan si este curso es solo para masajistas u otros sanadores alternativos. Animo a todos los estudiantes del Tao que estén interesados en avanzar a otro nivel de desarrollo espiritual y práctico a unirse a mí en los cursos de Chi Nei Tsang, así como a aquellos que deseen convertirse en practicantes para mejorar su oficio de masaje o medicina. Los cursos le brindan la oportunidad de aprender más sobre su propio cuerpo y cómo sanarse a sí mismo, así como cómo ayudar a los demás, ya sea a la familia, amigos o clientes.
Además de mejorar la salud y la vitalidad en general, el Masaje Chi Nei Tsang I puede ayudar con:
Problemas digestivos, como el síndrome de intestino irritable, hinchazón y estreñimiento.
Desintoxicación a través de la eliminación de toxinas en el tracto gastrointestinal y la promoción del drenaje linfático.
Alivio de diversos dolores y tensiones, incluyendo dolores de cuello y dolores de cabeza relacionados, dolores lumbares o problemas con el nervio ciático.
Alivio de los síntomas del asma.
Mejora de la circulación y la salud cardiovascular.
Condiciones de salud de las mujeres, incluyendo la endometriosis y problemas menstruales.
Condiciones de salud de los hombres, incluyendo la infertilidad y la impotencia.
Beneficios que experimentan los estudiantes durante el taller:
Aprenden técnicas efectivas de masaje y una perspectiva de la medicina oriental sobre la curación de uno mismo y la asistencia a otros en su curación.
Desintoxicación: Debido a que practicamos las técnicas de masaje entre nosotros durante todo el taller, recibirán los beneficios del masaje Chi Nei Tsang con desintoxicación física y emocional.
Como resultado, es posible que experimenten: aumento de energía y positividad, relajación y alivio del estrés, una conexión más fuerte con la espiritualidad y posiblemente una liberación de emociones o experiencias negativas.
Los participantes a menudo informan que sienten un gran alivio de la pesadez o carga emocional, y muchos también experimentan alivio de molestias o dolores físicos preexistentes.
Event Details
***Additional Details To Be Announced***
Accommodation & Travel Information
***Additional Details To Be Announced***
Become A Practitioner
If you are interested in becoming a Chi Nei Tsang I practitioner, you must follow these steps:
Attend 28 hours of teachings with Jutta or another qualified CNT Senior Teacher
After attending first CNT I workshop, collect 100 case studies (minimum 18 persons for 5 sessions) (10 case studies in single sessions)
Attend a second CNT I workshop or retreat and present the 100 case studies to the qualified CNT Senior Teacher the first day of the workshop
Be evaluated in theory and practice by Jutta, Master Chia or another CNT Senior Teacher
Learning Resources
It is not required that you have any previous knowledge of the Universal Healing Tao or even any type of massage therapy or healing before attending the Chi Nei Tsang I workshop. But, if you are interested in learning more about what you will learn at this workshop, here are some resources:
How To Register: To reserve your seat for this workshop, please contact the event organizer via their website or by phone or email (contact details below).
Questions? If you have questions about how this workshop is organised, please contact the event organizer (contact information above). If you have questions about what I teach, I’d be happy to hear from you. Please email me at
Interested in Private Teaching?
Private Teaching or Treatments – I will be in this city for a short time, and if you would like private teaching outside of this workshop or a Chi Nei Tsang Massage treatment from me while I am there, please connect with me in advance. Although I get many requests during my time abroad, I will do my best to meet with you. You can email me at